
“If we are to experience the Eucharist as the “source and summit of Christian life” (Lumen Gentium, 11,) then we must celebrate it with faith, receive it with reverence, and allow it to transform our minds and hearts through the prayer of adoration.”  St. Jon Paul II

Our greatest gift is the source and summit of our liturgy, the Eucharist, which is Jesus Himself given to us so we truly may be joined with Him to fully experience His presence and love.  Each Wednesday and First Friday we come together face to face with our Lord in the peaceful beauty of our Church to adore our Lord Himself in the Eucharist.  Each hour, faithful parishioners spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to adore, pray and listen to our Lord speaking to their hearts.


8:00 PM – 9:00 PM


Beginning after the 8:30 AM Mass and ending Thursday before the 6:45 AM Mass. (If you  plan to attend between 11:00 PM and 4:30 AM please contact the parish office ahead of time to secure a key for access during the overnight hours)


Beginning after the 9:15 AM Mass (8:30 AM Mass in the summer) until the 6:00 PM closing prayer with Benediction.

What is Adoration and why is it important?

Eucharistic Adoration is a form of prayer which brings us into the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  Our Lord brings us special graces as we spend quiet time with Him.  Adoration is peaceful prayer with Jesus who is visible, exposed and truly present, in the Host, in the monstrance. Adoration is a very personal prayer of thanks, worship, petition and silence. It is being with Jesus and listening to Him. It is an act of love for Him.

“Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love.  Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration…” St. John Paul II

Pope Pius X hailed perpetual Eucharistic Adoration as the devotion that surpasses all others.

What do you do while you are in the Church during Adoration?

Just walk in and after genuflecting before the monstrance, kneel or sit down.  As you come face to face with the Lord in the Eucharist you can pray silently or just be present with Him listening for his small still voice speaking to you.   Some people read the Bible or other religious book or pray the Holy Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet .

Many stay for one hour.  Some stay for a half hour, and some stay for 5 minutes.

While everyone who spends time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration will have a unique personal experience, it is one that will always strengthen their relationship with our loving savior.

What is a scheduled adorer and how do I become one?

During all hours of adoration there is a need for adorers to be present with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.   Some people are able to spend time with the Lord for the same hour each Wednesday and/or First Friday.  These adorers have made commitments to ensure that their hour is covered each week.  If a conflict should arise, they secure a substitute to fill in for them for that time frame or switch times with another scheduled adorer (asking a friend or someone on the substitute list).

If you feel that you are able to become a scheduled adorer or would be available to serve as a substitute adorer, please contact Dee Gard at 847-769-5091 or

“As for my household, we will serve the Lord”    Joshua 24:15

How do I learn more about The True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and Eucharitic Adoration

We are currently in the second year of the National Eucharistic Revival in the United States.  During this year many events are taking place at the parish level to help us grow closer to Jesus learning more about His true presence in the Eucharist.

One of these events at our parish earlier this year was the 3 week display in our Church lobby of the Eucharistic Miracles of the World.  If you would like to read more about these and see additional posters use the following link.  After you click this link, Scroll down on this site to find the miracles from each country.  By selecting any of the tabs at the top of this site you can access a great deal of information related to the True Presence of Jesus.

Eucharistic Miracles of the World – International Vatican Exhibition

If you are interested in finding out more about the National Eucharistic Revival, use the following link to access this information.

National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation

The following link has a very nice short video related to the Eucharistic Revival

National Eucharistic Revival Video