- Adoration
Charismatic Prayer: In Spirit and Truth Prayer Group. We experience the grace of Pentecost through the gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit to build up of the Body of Christ.
“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.” ~John 4:24
Eucharistic Adoration: Eucharistic Adoration is a form of prayer which brings us into the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Our Lord offers us special graces as we spend quiet time with him. Adoration is silent and peaceful prayer with Jesus who is visible, exposed and truly present in the Host within the monstrance. All are encouraged to participate in this ministry as often as possible by simply visiting the Church during any hour when Adoration is scheduled in the parish. Just walk in and after genuflecting before the monstrance, kneel or sit down. As you come face to face with the Lord in the Eucharist you can pray silently or just be present with Him listening for his small still voice speaking to you. Some people read the Bible or other religious book or pray the Holy Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet (Rosaries, booklets and prayers for your use are found in the lobby of the Church to the left of the entrance doors) Many stay for one hour. Some stay for a half hour, and some stay for 5 minutes. When you leave the Church, genuflect and then return any books you may have used.
Eucharistic Adoration Committee: This committee is a group of parishioners who meet once a month to plan future activities related to Eucharistic Adoration in our parish. These activities include Alter set up and participation in the annual Corpus Christi procession, education and awareness (bulletin articles, speakers, Mass talks, information tables etc.), coordination of adoration signage and other events. A member of this committee should expect to spend 2 to 4 hours each month and participate in Eucharistic Adoration during any of the scheduled parish hours.
First Friday Hour of Preparation: On the first Friday of every month, an hour of reparation and devotion is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Scheduled Adorer: During all hours of adoration there is a need for adorers to be present with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Some people are able to spend time with the Lord for the same hour each Wednesday and/or First Friday. These adorers have made commitments to ensure that their hour is covered each week. If a conflict should arise, they secure a substitute to fill in for them for that time frame or switch times with another scheduled adorer (asking a friend or someone on the substitute list). If you feel that you are able to become a scheduled adorer or would available to serve as a substitute adorer, please contact Dee Gard at 847-769-5091 or dmgard10@gmail.com.
Vocation Hour: Each month parishioners are encouraged to pray together in the chapel for vocations to the priesthood and religious life Includes Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. - Bible Study
- Faith Sharing Groups: Various men’s and women’s faith sharing groups gather weekly. The format varies with each group, which may focus on: the Mass readings of the week and God moments, a book study, or a bible study. There is a group for everyone! Together we grow in our Catholic faith on the road to holiness.
- Prayer Network: The Prayer Network is a community of parishioners who pray for the concerns and needs of those in St. Margaret Mary parish. Prayer requests are sent by email to Rosemary, and she emails the prayer requests to the members as they are needed. “I have very much enjoyed working in this ministry as I feel it brings the community together when they share the burden of each other’s lives in a spiritual manner.” Rosemary
- That Man Is You (TMIY): An interactive, multimedia men’s leadership program focused on the development of men in the modern world. It combines the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of authentic men capable of transforming themselves, their families and greater society. That Man is You welcomes large numbers of men of all ages, including younger men still actively parenting, and then transforming their spiritual lives.
- Joyful Stewards: The goal of Stewardship as a Way of Life is to become a holy people. To this end, our meetings, prayer and ministry work stem from a heart of gratitude to God, especially for the gift of salvation, and we can’t thank Him enough. Our works include: regular communication with all parish ministry coordinators, the Hour of Power, Movie and Pizza with the Friars, Faith On Fire, weekly bulletin articles on stewardship, and domestic pilgrimages. We also manage the annual parish renewal, and support the Bishop’s Diocesan Appeal. Come and join us on the journey!
- Light of the World (LOTW): Involvement begins with attending a LOTW onsite weekend retreat. Participation can then continue in small groups by sharing faith, doing works, and possibly assisting with the next LOTW retreat.
Spiritual LifeCindy Tobolski2023-09-23T13:14:00-05:00