24th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 15th, 2024
Jesus tells that to be his disciples, we need to take up our own cross and follow him.
For each of us, taking up our cross will be different.
For some it may be dealing with health issues, or a difficult family situation,
For others, it may be job related or managing a personal challenge.
But we are all reminded that being a disciple of Jesus means bearing our burdens with the same grace and love Jesus showed, as he carried His own cross.
Let us pray today for the Holy Spirit to grant us the peace, strength, and grace from God as we carry our crosses and follow Jesus our Lord.
Link to the Sunday Readings for September 15th Mass
- Join us this Monday night September 16th at 8:00PM in the church as we celebrate a devotion commemorating the 800th anniversary of St Francis receiving the stigmata.
Please join the Knights of Columbus this upcoming Monday night at 7:00 PM at the outdoor grotto, as they will be praying the Holy Rosary. The outdoor grotto is located over by the parish school right behind the McGivney building.
Bible study begins Tuesday, October 1st with both afternoon and evening sessions. The topic will be what the Bible and the Church fathers teach about Mary.
The Knights of Columbus will be collecting after each of the masses this weekend for Intellectual Disabilities as part of their annual drive. Please consider making a donation so they can help local agencies meet their needs.
RCIA meetings will begin October 13th. If someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, please invite them to call the parish office. Someone on the RCIA team will then contact them to talk about the process. Looking into RCIA is not a commitment to becoming a Catholic. It is an opportunity to look us over.
Join us this weekend supporting the school for this year’s St. Margaret Mary Oktoberfest with music, beverages, and food by the Knights.
On September 29th, St. Margaret Mary parish members are invited to sign up to support current mom’s and babies in troubled pregnancies, by spiritually adopting a mom and child and praying for them for nine weeks. Prayer cards and sign -up slips will be available in the back of the church after Masses on the 29th.
Join us for the Life Chain, a prayerful and quiet witness to the sanctity of all human life, will be held on October 6th, from 1:30 to 2:30, on Route 14 in front of Hobby Lobby in Crystal Lake. As Catholics we can quietly offer our presence and prayer to help passers-by to think about the reality of life before birth.
She shall be called women will start in less than a month. All women of the parish are invited to join us on Monday evenings starting Sept. 23rd. That Man is You also starts on Saturday September 14th. More information is on the back table and in the bulletin.
The Society of St Vincent DePaul is having our annual Walk for the Poor event on Saturday, September 21st with sign in at 7:30 AM to support many families to get back to stability. If you cannot join us that day, please think about donating towards the Walk. Stop at the table in the lobby today for more details.
There will NOT be confessions on Tuesday, September 17th due to the priests being at Presbyter Day.
- St. Margaret Mary Catholic School is immediately hiring for both a preschool assistant AND an aftercare supervisor positions. Please contact the school office if interested.
Stop into the The Walking Together Resale Shop to see the specials of the week.
- If you are looking to advertise in our bulletin, instructions can be found in the bulletin.
- Sign up for the Raise Right program now, directions are in Bulletin and the Lobby.
- Donations to St. Margaret Mary can be made weekly through the offertory at the entry to the church or can be made online through give central. We thank everyone for their generosity to help support our parish at St Margaret Mary.