1st Sunday of Advent the King December 1st, 2024
Today we begin a new season, and a new year, in the life of the Church.
In every phase of our lives, we observe annual celebrations to mark those things that we value most. So, this annual season of Advent draws our attention to what is most important: God’s love revealed to us in the incarnation of Jesus.
Starting today, let us mark this annual season with a heightened awareness of God’s presence in our midst, so that we may truly prepare for the coming of the Lord into our hearts this Christmas.
Link to the Sunday Readings for December 1st Mass
- (Sunday 7:00AM Only) Please join the Knights of Columbus right after Mass in the church, as they will be praying the holy Rosary. Rosaries are available if needed.
The Knight Tree Lot is now open. Please stop over for a variety of fresh trees, wreaths, joy signs and assorted nativity scenes. Come and check them out, join in the joy of Christmas, and support charity in the process.
The Social Outreach Christmas Giving Tree is up. Please consider taking a gift tag or two for those people in need in our community, especially the elderly and children.
Next weekend of December 7th and 8th, we will be collecting non-perishable food donations for the Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Food Pantry.
Sunday December 15th through Tuesday December 17th, our Parish will have our English mission at 7:00 PM led by John McGrath. We hope that you can join us.
Early bird Gala tickets will go on sale starting Dec. 2nd online through the church website and the parish office. They will be on sale after all Masses the weekends of 12/7 and 12/15.
Next weekend, we will have hand-carved olive wood religious items available for purchase after all Masses. Proceeds from the sale of these items help support the families of Catholic artisans who are having a difficult time due to lack of pilgrim groups journeying to the Holy Land. Cash, check or credit card will be accepted.
Last chance to sign up to participate in the St. Margaret Mary Christmas Pageant for children from kindergarten to 5th Grade. Rehearsals will be starting on Saturday, December 7th from 1:00-2:00 pm in the church. Informational forms are available in the Parish Office.
There will be NO regular confessions on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd due to First Reconciliation of our Religious Education children.
Join us for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception Masses on Monday, Dec. 9th at 6:45AM, 9:15AM (for school), 6:00PM in English, and 7:30PM in Polish.
There is some materials on the table in Bethany lobby today from the diocese on the State of Illinois potential legislation on assisted suicide. Please take one and inform yourself.
Stop into the The Walking Together Resale Shop to see the specials of the week.
- If you are looking to advertise in our bulletin, instructions can be found in the bulletin.
- Sign up for the Raise Right program now, directions are in Bulletin and the Lobby.
- Donations to St. Margaret Mary can be made weekly through the offertory at the entry to the church or can be made online through give central. We thank everyone for their generosity to help support our parish at St Margaret Mary.