Feast of the Baptism of the Lord – January 12th, 2025
Today, we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. At the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, after he was baptized in the Jordan River, we hear God say, “You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
At the beginning of our Christian lives, when we are baptized, God also calls us his sons and daughters. As we conclude this Christmas Season, let us be ever mindful of God’s baptismal call on our lives, and step out in faith to do His will.
This weekend is commitment Sunday for the National Appeal. If you brought back your commitments for the National Appeal today, please place those envelopes into the collection basket.
Link to the Sunday Readings for January 12th Mass
- (Sunday 9:00AM Only) Please join the Knights of Columbus right after Mass in the church, as they will be praying the Holy Rosary. Rosaries are available if needed.
- That Man is You is starting the spring semester soon. Please stop by the table in Bethany Lobby for more information on That Man is You starting soon.
Women of the parish, you are invited to join us for “She Shall Be Called Woman” starting on Monday Jan. 20th from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in McDonnell Hall. This 9-week session will discuss the Ten Virtues of Mary and how we can apply them to our lives. There will be a representative at a table in the lobby to answer any questions.
- Starting on Monday, January 13th, there will be major construction on the men’s bathroom. Please follow the posted instructions during this construction effort.
The Knights of Columbus have a table today in the lobby for information on joining the membership at a degree scheduled for this Thursday January 16that 7:00 PM in McDonnell Hall.
This weekend of January 11th and 12th, we are collecting non-perishable food donations for the Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Food Pantry. Please drop your donation off in the shopping cart by the church doors.
Join us on Monday January 13th at 8:00 PM for a Holy Hour accompanied by a Taizé prayer hour for peace and unity.
Join us for the Saint Margaret Mary Mardi Gras Gala on February 22nd. Tickets are available for sale through the church website.
Stop into the The Walking Together Resale Shop to see the specials of the week.
- If you are looking to advertise in our bulletin, instructions can be found in the bulletin.
- Sign up for the Raise Right program now, directions are in Bulletin and the Lobby.
- Donations to St. Margaret Mary can be made weekly through the offertory at the entry to the church or can be made online through give central. We thank everyone for their generosity to help support our parish at St Margaret Mary.