- Altar Server: Serve at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Boys and girls, 3rd Grade or older. Monthly meetings and training are provided.
- Arts and Environment: Define and create the church environment based on the liturgical season. No training required. Monthly commitment or based on seasonal needs.
- Baptismal Coordinators: A joyful, supportive ministry which assists young families on the day of Baptism. No meetings are required, just a little extra time when you attend Holy Mass to welcome our baptismal families before and after the Mass. Remind yourself of your own baptism vows and celebrate the beautiful sacrament of baptism with the newest and most precious members of our parish. Training is provided. Protecting God’s Children certification is required.
- Funeral Coordinator: God’s calling to help others during a very difficult time of their lives…a rewarding experience. The funeral coordinator assists the priest during a Catholic funeral mass by performing a variety of tasks that include setting up the church, preparing the altar, lighting incense, reviewing the funeral sheet, (provided by the church office) set up the readings, communicate with the altar servers, and fulfill Eucharistic Minister duties. You will meet with the family of the deceased when they arrive at church to discuss the readings, determine who will bring up the gifts, set up tables/chairs, easels for pictures, and offer your comfort and support throughout the Mass. Training will be provided for the Funeral Ministry.
- Wedding Coordinator: Lead wedding rehearsals, set up furniture and environment, coordinate the movements and actions of the wedding couple and attendants on the wedding day. Very rewarding! Training is required and provided. The commitment includes the rehearsal and day of wedding.
- Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EME): Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) prayerfully serve the people of St. Margaret Mary Parish by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Eucharistic celebrations.
- Greeters: Every parishioner is called offer a friendly, welcoming face that says, “All are welcome!” This ministry stands at the door to welcome people upon arriving at church. Minimal commitment. Informal training provided.
- Lectors: “The hearts of the faithful who gather on the Lord’s Day are nourished both by his Word and by the bread of eternal life,” Pope Francis.
Lectors support an important part of the celebration of the liturgy, the Word of God. This ministry is for individuals who pray the holy Scripture, and wish to share by proclamation the fruits of their prayer and reflection. Proclaimers may choose the Mass they prefer to attend, and are scheduled accordingly. (May be once a month or every other month). Training and materials are provided. - Media and Communications Ministry
- Music Groups: Singers and instrumentalists of all ages and skill levels welcome. Singers are not required to read music but must be able to carry a tune. Short audition required for musicians and singers. Weekly rehearsals and masses from September through June. Commitment increases during Christmas and Easter Seasons. Cantors must also participate in Adult Choir.
o Adult Choir
o Cantors
o Funeral Choir (as needed)
o Youth Choir (6-12th grade)
o Children’s Choir (K-5th grade) - Sacristan / Martha’s: Behind-the-scenes, the Sacristans prepare the church and altar for weekend and holy day Masses. The Martha’s help keep the church clean. Wash and iron altar and Communion linens. Training is provided. Weekly or less often commitment based on number of available ministers. Approximately twice-a-month commitment.
- Ushers: An usher is one of the first touch points of hospitality and welcome. They are called on to provide support prior to, during, and after the celebration of the Liturgy. They ensure the comfort and safety of the assembly and assist in keeping order during liturgical events. Ushers serve at the Mass of their preference.
- Visitation Ministry – (Hospital, residential & nursing home) One of our Liturgical Ministries at St. Margaret Mary Parish is the Visitation Ministry. The purpose of this ministry is to bring the Word and the precious Body of Christ to the sick, elderly, and dying. Visitation ministers are a constant re- minder to those unable to attend Mass that they are still part of our St. Margaret Mary parish family.
o Homebound visitations – ministers visit parishioners in their homes that are sick, elderly, or dying.
o Senior Home visitations – ministers lead a short Communion Service every Sunday at the following Senior Homes: Arden Rose, Clarendale, Eastgate, and Village Green. Extra services are held on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. In addition, a Holy Mass is celebrated at Eastgate and Clarendale once a month.
o Sherman Hospital visitations – St. Margaret Mary Parish is responsible for taking Holy Communion to Catholic patients at Sherman Hospital every Monday.
We need to get the word out to all parishioners that this Visitation Ministry exists. If you or a family member or friend is unable to attend Mass due to a short-term illness or surgery, or if permanently homebound, please contact Mary LeRoy at 815-321-9590 or the STMM Church Office at 847-658-7625. If anyone is willing and interested in becoming a Visitation Minister in any of the categories listed above, please call Mary LeRoy or the Church office. Please prayerfully consider joining this important ministry. You may think this is outside of your comfort zone, but we need help!
Liturgical MinistriesCindy Tobolski2024-07-05T10:39:06-05:00