First, this Q&A does not come from RaiseRight. It’s from another Saint Margaret Mary parishioner like you. This may seem like a long winded answer, but I’m trying to document my own concerns and thought process.

  1. Any time you give any outside entity your personal information you run the risk that that information will be stolen by a person or group wanting to profit from that personal information.
  2. RaiseRight is no better and no worse in a general sense than any other online presence where you agree to leave information such as your credit card or bank account number.
  3. If you are uncomfortable doing any sort of online transaction, then don’t use the RaiseRight app. It is as safe as any online payment service can be, but there are no guarantees.

That said, there are some factors to consider on the other side:

  1. There are well known and very pervasive gift card theft rings that target physical gift cards at retail stores. RaiseRight cards ship directly from them to you, avoiding this problem.
  2. You do not need to add a bank account, or even save a card to your account. If you always use “Add Credit Card” and uncheck “Save this card”, the card will only be used for that transaction. Not zero risk, but lower than saving a card.
  3. Per RaiseRight, they have security measures in place to protect their customers. For example, when using a bank account, they say “Transactions are secure and protected by your unique login and/or biometric login on the mobile app. You’re also automatically logged out after a brief period of inactivity, so your transactions and account information are protected.”

In a nutshell, use the same care with RaiseRight that you would use with any online payment service. They have posted the following on their blog. I have found it to have some good information and tips.